
PowerPoint Presentations

All of the site's PowerPoint presentations. Click an icon to download a copy.

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Guest Speakers

Institutional Transformation and the Role of Leadership - Laura Hope (11/6/2010)

Laura Hope - Institutional Transformation and the Role of Leadership (11/6/2010)

SASI Leadership Journey

SASI Meeting (3/25/2011)

SASI Meeting (03/25/2011)

SASI Meeting (12/03/2010)

SASI Meeting (12/03/2010)

Show Me the Data - Crystal Kollross (11/6/2010)

Show Me the Data - Crystal Kollross (11/6/2010)

Defining SASI Goals - Brock Klein (11/6/2010)

Defining SASI Goals - Brock Klein (11/6/2010)